I wrote this over a period of days following a class period in which the professor and students talked for about ten minutes about how Christians should always dress up to go to church on Sunday. People who do not dress up for church on Sunday, they said, are not showing respect to our Lord and King. "If you were to meet the Queen of England you would dress up, and Jesus Christ deserves no less courtesy than that." Well, I tried -- very unsuccessfully -- to explain to them some of the very sound theological reasons for coming to church "as you are," but alas my voice was drowned out in the crowd. And so I wrote what I could not say. And here it is:
I began writing this as an apologetic or "defense" for coming to church in ordinary clothes. It was meant not as a thrust to tear down dressing up for church, but rather as a parry, but it was still meant aggressively and defensively. I spent over ten hours working on this, reading, writing, researching, defending. But then I set down the laptop, and stopped. I couldn't believe that I had just spent ten hours doing this! I had so many other things much more pressing that I needed to do. I was so zealous to defend not just myself, but this idea that God has used so obviously to bring so many thousands of people into a relationship with Him. You must understand, I go to a church where I look to my right, and I see a single mom wearing a biker outfit who just recently almost died in a car accident, and I know that the only reason she is now a child of God is because this crazy church said, "Come as you are," and was thus a comfortable place for her to come and check out the Christian faith. I look all around me, and I see hundreds and hundreds of people – from dapper to casual – who came here for the exact same reason: because our church is approachable and not intimidating. One of the key factors to that approachability is that people feel free to come in their ordinary clothes. It pains me deeply to hear people chastise so harshly what I have seen God so abundantly bless.
Yet in this process of making a defense, I also found myself very concerned about defending myself and my own contempt for having to dress up for church as a child. This weekend, God has revealed to me a glimpse of just how far I have yet to grow in my walk with the Lord, how self-centered I am, and how much I really need to learn the discipline of "submission" – not having my own way. And I told the Lord that I was ready and willing to practice "submission" with this "apologetic," to leave it unspoken. But that did not seem to be what he was pointing me to do. As I listened to Him, I realized that he does not want me to parry; he wants me to parley. He does not want me to defend, but rather to humbly plea for you to understand where this "ordinary clothes" idea comes from practically, culturally, and theologically. And it is my hope not that you be converted to my way of thinking, but that you can recognize this as a "disputable matter" (see Rom 14:1-11), and learn to praise God for this approach as much as your own approach.
I begin by acknowledging the cultural climate in which we live. As we have discussed in class, we live in a materialistic society of rabid consumerists, a plastic jungle in which brand names and Who's Whos prey upon the gluttony of the "haves" and the envy of the "have nots." Wherever we go, we cannot seem to escape the unholy chant, "Buy. Buy. Buy. Buy." The "dress up for church" requirement can sound to many just like another voice in the chant, giving many "haves" another reason to indulge in garment gluttony, and giving many "have-nots" a cause for envy as well as the inadequate feeling of being out of place.
Many of us see a very real danger in this external emphasis on "dressing up." In a culture that is already demonically and obsessively focused on the external and temporal, dressing up for church can be just another point at which the demonic Uncle Screwtape can easily twist the holy into the profane. For those who can afford to buy such clothes, "respecting the King" can very easily be twisted into "impressing the King" and "impressing the Court." For some, this may be even more of a temptation than others, and if it is an unnecessary temptation it would be prudent and wise (perhaps necessary!) for those people to flee from that temptation by not dressing up for church, even if they can afford it.
Concerning those who cannot afford to dress up many say, "But the church will understand that. They will not judge the person who cannot afford nice clothes, and exclude them from fellowship." Ideally, no they wouldn't. Yet it has happened. Also, the problem is that while that approach may be a platinum theory, it is rubbish in practice because it is not only the mind of the dressed-up church that is in question, but also the mind of the casual newcomer. As the only one not dressed up, that person will most often feel out of place even if nobody says so. Sometimes this feeling of inadequacy can be severe in a person, especially in a person who has grown up being mocked and ridiculed by adolescent classmates because he does have the right clothes, the right shoes, or the right backpack. It is easy for Screwtape to work in this person as well whispering, "This is just another place in where you don't belong, another place where you don't meet standards. Just give it up." And that is exactly what happens most of the time.
Of course Screwtape can just as easily bend "dressing casually" to his appetite, but that will inevitably be harder to do in some than others. Thus, it is my conviction that there should be room in the Christian church for both people who want to dress up and for those who do not – each according to his or her own conscience. In my church, people "come as they are," meaning "dress however you feel like dressing today." There are many people who dress up as they would to any other church, and there are many who come wearing shorts, flip flops, and even (horror of horrors!) hats. And surprisingly enough, even though over 55% of the people who come were previously unchurched before they became a part of our church, in the three years I've been there, I've never seen anyone dress vulgarly. I suppose it may be an anomaly that both kinds of people can be comfortable in the same place, but if it is, I think it is a wonderful anomaly. To have an exclusive policy that leads in either direction would, I think, most likely lead to the temptation of "Christianity and…[dressing up, dressing casual, etc.]." This is something I think we should be very careful of.
I now move to more theological reasons for coming to church in ordinary clothes. One of the major themes in Jesus teachings was a shift of focus from external to internal. The Jews were expecting an external Kingdom of God – deliverance from the Romans – but Jesus showed them instead an internal Kingdom, telling Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world," (Jn. 18.36). He reveals a God who looks at the heart and what is done in secret, not just on what is seen. In Christ, we see the age-old indictment against Israel: "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men," (Matt 15:8-9).
This shift from external to internal shows us that appearances can be deceptive. One can look holy on the outside, but not on the inside. Paul picks up on this and even flips it around: one can look holy on the inside, and not look holy on the outside – one can have a "circumcision of the heart" and not have a "circumcision of the flesh." (Rom. 2.29) In Romans 14, Paul points out how two people can do the same external deed (e.g. "eating meat"), and one would be sinning in his heart while the other is not. What is holy for one can be a stumbling block for another. In this same way, I believe that requiring a person to dress up can be a stumbling block. For some it can be a stumbling block into materialism, as I mentioned earlier. For others it can be a stumbling block into vanity – impressing others. Still, for others it can be a stumbling block into legalism. Someone who has grown up in a very legalistic church may associate "dressing up" so strongly with "earning righteousness" that it could be a sin against the conscience for this person to dress up, just as it was a sin for the Christian from a pagan background to eat meat sacrificed to idols.
Coming to church in ordinary clothes can also be a way in which that person represents Christ to humanity. We are the church, the image and body of Christ in the world, and thus we are to look like Him. So what does He look like? In the Gospels we see a man, Jesus of Nazareth, the very essence of humility who was at the very same time also Lord and Christ – a paradox of imminence and transcendence, humility and glory. The Gospels reveal a King who was completely approachable. Children, lepers, tax collectors, the infirm, prostitutes, and "sinners" as well as doctors, Pharisees, and soldiers all approached him freely and without intimidation. In fact, he seemed to relish when people would come to him and to God as they are, and detest when they tried to be something they were not. He was the very embodiment of Grace. He does not tell people to go straighten themselves up before he would accept them; he simply says, "Come." Wearing ordinary clothes to church can help a person to be an embodiment of this utterly approachable King.
In his book What's So Amazing About Grace, Philip Yancey points out that the church has failed miserably to be this embodiment of Christ's approachability. He tells a tragic story – one of many – in which a prostitute who has been renting out her two-year-old daughter for kinky sex came to him, unable to buy food. In their conversation, he asks, "Have you tried going to church for help?" He writes, "I will never forget the look of pure, naive shock that crossed her face. 'Church! she cried. 'Why would I ever go there? I was already feeling terrible about myself. They'd just make me feel worse.'" (11). It is a staggering shift in paradigm from the example we see in Jesus Christ – prostitutes running toward him. In his chapter on "Creating a Culture of Acceptance" in No Perfect People Allowed, John Burke (my pastor) writes:
"Church must re-present to others the Body of the One who is willing to accept rather than condemn – who draws near in relationship – who is for them, not against them. Everybody longs to know this – that despite everything, they can be accepted and forgiven. But words alone won't do. Theological statements like 'Christ died for your sins' and 'God so loved the world' have been leached of all meaning for seekers today by what they have experienced. Many people can't believe God will accept them and love them until those who claim to know God start to show them." (92)
Sunday morning remains the primary window for those who are seeking Christ to come to him, and those Churches who try to create a "come as you are" culture of acceptance are simply trying to be that approachable, unintimidating, unexclusive embodiment of Christ to them.
Yet this is not only an important thing for seekers; it can also be important to the Christian as well. The process of sanctification is ongoing, and so the process of approaching the throne of mercy is unending. We often sin, and then feel so dirty and guilty because of our sin that we run away rather than run to our King. Yet, this is the opposite of what we should do. Instead, we should come just as we are – even and especially in our dirtiness – and penitently approach the throne of forgiveness asking for healing. To come to church in whatever clothes are natural to you is a way for some to act out physically how we are to approach that throne every day spiritually.
Coming "as you are" can also lead to a greater continuity between the person you are on Sunday and the person you are the rest of the week. It is a mystery how the body and spirit are inextricably connected to one another. To some, dressing up can disconnect the worship experience on Sunday from the rest of the week, and lead to a very compartmentalized spirituality. The body remembers, "When I am dressed up, I am spiritual; when I am not, I am not." This kind of compartmentalized spirituality is not desired as a Christian, and so the "come as you are" approach is a way to help prevent that disconnect and let the Shalom of God – which is peace, deliverance, wholeness – penetrate our lives.
Those who choose to dress up on Sunday mornings do so "to the Lord." Likewise, those of us who choose not to dress up do so "to the Lord." I hope that this essay has helped to explain that wearing ordinary clothes is not irreverent sloth, but has many beautiful practical and theological motivations behind it. As the body of an immanent and transcendent Christ—his representatives to the world—we would do well to welcome a juxtaposition of clothes into our assembly. Why not strive for Orthodoxy against being Ebionite or Docetic and let blue jeans and shorts represent the humanity of Christ while slacks and dresses represent His transcendence?
So I plead with you to consider that yes, we serve a mighty and glorious God and King who deserves all honor. But let us not forget what that King looks like. We are the court of Jesus Christ, the sovereign assembly of a king that was born in a feeding trough and worshipped by both well-dressed Magi bearing expensive gifts and lowly shepherds who came straight from their pastures bearing dung on their sandals. According to the flesh, our king looked very ordinary in many respects. He grew up in the sticks of Nazareth – a place out of which people thought nothing exceptional could come out. Raised in a very ordinary blue-collar family, our King was (and is) a friend of social rejects and a bunch of goofballs he called his disciples, as well as the well-to-do. Our king was baptized by a grungy weirdo wearing a dead camel, and he has been known for washing crusty fishermen's feet. We serve a very strange king, an unexpected king, a king unlike anything else the world has ever seen. The King of Kings is, in fact, whom we worship, and yet He rode a donkey instead of a steed. And lest we forget, in the final hours before his crucifixion we saw on our King's body the most blessed, disturbing, and beautiful juxtaposition of fine and feral apparel this universe has ever seen: a purple robe and a crown of thorns.
"We are His body."
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